November 9, 2013

Campaign Kickoff – Nov. 21 5:00-7:00

Please join us at the Marlow House on November 21 from 5:00 to 7:00 for Judge Leonard’s Campaign Kickoff fundraising event. If you can’t attend, you may donate to the campaign online. Share this with your friends and download the Fundraiser_Invite_112113  

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July 19, 2013

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence continues to be a problem that is plaguing Cobb County. When I was in State Court, I was proud to be involved with the push to move the Solicitor’s Domestic Violence Intervention Program out of Magistrate Court and into State Court so it could receive more Judicial involvement. In Superior Court, we are dealing with the more serious …

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November 21, 2012

Governor Deal has appointed Judge Leonard to Superior Court

On November 7th, 2012, Governor Deal appointed Judge Leonard to fill the vacancy left by Judge Kreeger’s retirement.  The Judge will be sworn in at the State Capitol on Monday November 26th.  The ceremony will be held in the House Chamber at 3:00P.M. with a reception to follow at the Marlow House in Marietta at 5:00 P.M.

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May 23, 2012

The Judge has been teaching

Judge Leonard spoke at two conferences last week.  The first event was an continuing legal education presentation on ethics for lawyers.  The second event was a continuing judicial education presentation on special evidentiary issues for judges.

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